1. Climate change & extreme weather

A. November 2022:

1.PPTs on climate change- causes and effects
2.ROC Mini-dictionary ( in English and the languages of partner school) of words(and their definition) related to climate change; idioms to describe weather-suggestion
3.ROC Scrabble board games related to climate change & extreme weather
B. December 2022:
4. ROC Debate Competition-identify causes of climate change, what they know and learn from climate change, how they raise awareness about climate change in their family/ group of friends. Debate on developments which made our lives easier, pleasant, but affected our planet in a negative way-heating / phones /aviation / recreation / household / clothing / food / education / hygiene.
5.ROC Video created by students for teenagers’ film competitions
C January 2023:
6.ROC Diary-Charts- calculation of our carbon footprint-students identify what we can do to neutralize our emissions/ carbon footprint
7.ROC true stories, written by students, about unusual places for extreme weather phenomena that occurred in participating countries; about impact of extreme weather on the world and on all participating countries; about how weather conditions affect life on the planet and in all participating countries; about farming/agriculture/famine/ clear water scarcity/ endangered animals/ disease/microbes/ migration of people and animals.

D. February 2023:
8. ROC “Weather station at my school”- students become scientists, keeping a diary of temperatures, weather conditions and cloud types that they see above their school over the course of 2 weeks, comparing results.
9. Campaigns& activities/ workshops:
1. “Cleaner forests on outskirts”;
2. “Plant a tree to feel free”;

E. March 2023:
10. Campaigns& activities/ workshops:
3. “Light Bulb Monday”
4. “Be Green To Be Keen!”;
5. “YOU are the GREEN Change!”

2. Life & Water in the plastic ocean:

A. April 2023:
1. Articles/ PPTs-:Fresh water around the world”, “Water crisis in the world”, “Water- an important resource”-students search situation of running water and sanitation in each partner country. They present their findings and solutions to
stakeholders; present PPTs with ways to use water responsibly, bringing arguments supported by facts, figures for their statements( Bottled water companies do not produce water. They produce plastic).
2. World Water Day-students mitigate on clean water in the world, efficient ways to stop wasting water, finding ways to supply water to underprivileged groups. Students create posters, write petitions, inviting government, politicians to work plans for each issue (Water Photography Competitions, Water Poems/Stories competitions)
3.”We help the rivers/lakes/sea” -volunteer working days to initiate campaigns of cleaning waters in their community/ district/town/country, involving their families, friends, helping NGOs to clean plastic waters.

B. May 2023:
4.”Safe water is a human right” -clean drinking water; against unsafe water and poor sanitation; visiting rural communities, people and areas where climate change is making water scarce; involving organizations, politicians, private companies to get involved, to support disadvantaged/ disabled people/ poor communities to have access to safe clean water; communicating with stakeholders.
5.“No communities without water” Campaign- finding financial resources, persuading private companies to invest in achieving accessible clean water( women and children spend hours walking to and from distant water supplies). Thus, people will have time to dedicate to work, studies, other domestic duties. By this campaign, vulnerable people improve life conditions; cooperating with charities, creating sustainable supplies of clean water.
6.“Use water efficiently!”- waste-water recycling, capturing rainwater, more efficient irrigation techniques, reforestation.

3. Take action! Make a change! Buy less! Recycle!

A. Sept 2023:
1. A Green Shopping Guide-containing lists/ideas/short articles written by students, with things to buy, green thinking ideas
2. Buy Less Day- teachers and students organise protests, campaigns, workshops on exchanging and repairing items they own.

B. October 2023:
3. Articles and Posters ( ”Fewer cars on the roads”, ”No plastic or paper packaging”, ”Don’t buy what you don’t need”, ”Buy recyclable items”)-students work together to come up with ways in which they can make their campaigns public and encourage people to think smart.
4. Workshops with therapists/ psychologists: ”Where does eco-anxiety come from?”,” What is the cause of ecoanxiety?”, “Our generation impact on the environment”, ”How to manage eco-anxiety?
5. School Sports Competitions- to help reduce anxiety: walking/hiking/ running/cycling competitions

C. November 2023:
6. Optional Course on climate change as a subject in the school curriculum- teachers in each participant school ellaborate it
7.Climate change corner in each participant school/classroom, containing R advice: RETHINK your choices ,REFUSE single use, REDUCE consumption, REUSE everything, REPAIR, REPURPOSE, RECYCLE- students/each class/ school organise it
8 Campaigns: “Be a volunteer!”, “Slash Trash”, “Light Bulb Monday”

D. December 2023:
9. ROC Diary: students write down all things they do to help the environment for one month.
10. “Repurpose Challenge Day”: students/each class/school choose 3 objects from their house that they don’t need any more/ are broken and think how to repurpose them, presenting ideas in an exhibition on Climate change corner.

E. January 2024:
11.PPT:”My proposal for my headmaster”- students in each school present specific arguments in favour of their proposal, deciding on a logo/ motto.

4. Art explores climate change:

A. February 2024:
1 Green Shopping Guide- lists/ideas for stakeholders to get accurate information about environment. The Guide, translated in participants’ languages, empowers communities, helping them feel prepared and resilient if crisis occurs. The Guide relies on accurate information collected by students, in order to understand and process abstract problems such as climate change. Its readers will find relief in educating themselves on environmental issues using the Guide as credible information.
2. Buy Less Day- campaigns of influencing stakeholders by the information they see regularly in media, politics, advertising, on social platforms. Seeing this information, participants learn to reevaluate sources of environmental information.

B. March 2024:
3.Articles and Posters: ”Fewer cars on the roads”, ”No plastic or paper packaging”, ”Don’t buy what you don’t need”, ”Buy recyclable items”-written works will focus on impacts, adaptation, vulnerability, detailing how climate impacts are challenges and solutions for minimizing vulnerability.
4.Workshops: ”Where does eco-anxiety come from?”,” What is the cause of eco-anxiety?”, “Our generation impact on the environment”, ”How to manage eco-anxiety?
5. Sports Competitions- spending time outdoors, doing regular exercise in nature encourage a positive personal connection with environment

C. April 2024:
6. Optional Course on climate change as subject in school curriculum
7.Climate change corner- RECYCLING small things with huge impact at global scale, reducing negative effects of climate change. R words are connected to sustainable solutions. Participants clarify meaning of sustainability, turn their work into posters.
8 “Be a volunteer!”, “Slash Trash” campaigns- overcome eco-anxiety by taking action, making difference.

D. May 2024:
9. Diary: things they do to help environment for a month
10. “Repurpose Challenge Day”: students present their ideas in exhibition
11.”My proposal for my headmaster’- students in each partner school present specific arguments in favour of their proposal, deciding on a logo/ motto, on tasks and responsibilities.


School No 195, Romania


  • 2nd General Lykeio Eleftheriou – Kordeliou, Greece
  • IES Eladio Cabañero, Spain
  • Vilkaviskio r. Graziskiu gimnazija, Lithuania
  • Agrupamento de Escolas Martinho Árias, Portugal


Project start date: 01-09-2022 – Project end date: 31-08-2024