2nd Geniko Lykeio Eleftheriou – Kordeliou, Greece

2nd general grece

2nd Geniko Lykeio Eleftheriou – Kordeliou is a public high school located in West Thessaloniki, Greece. It consists of 300 students and 28 teachers working in it.
The building is also used by another public school, 2nd Gymnasio Eleftheriou – Kordeliou and two nursery schools, so there’s quite serious lack of classrooms, laboratories and space in general.

As 2nd Geniko Lykeio Eleftheriou – Kordeliou is located in an urban area that is polluted and environmentally degraded, we are interested in participating in programs that aim to environmental awareness and interventions.
In the past years eTwinning programs were completed, gaining for one of them the European Quality Label.

Although we don’t have much experience in European programs, every year we complement quite a few “environmental”,“cultural” and “health protection” programs with the participation of students and the collaboration of teachers. The activities carried out before, in the previous workshops and partnerships, helped us achieve skills and expertise, our results from the previous achievements became known in our local communities, as we presented, at the end of each activity, articles and presentations in the local media; summaries in the teacher-parents meetings; summaries in the local and regional meetings with other teaching staff. Our previous experience in the areas of communication and dissemination will be relevant for this new climate action education project. In the wider lifelong learning community, we have always presented cultural activities conveying the message of our previous activities and projects to the local community; we urged our students to write articles in the local and regional media, at the end of each activity that had been achieved before.


PRODUCEM-ICOGO TO 2nd Geniko Lykeio Eleftheriou – Kordeliou, Greece