School No 195, Romania

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School No. 195 is a primary and secondary school, situated near a large park in our capital city and it operates in three buildings. Having 2715 students, 134 paid staff and 16 unpaid staff, the school has gained recognition and prestige, mainly due to teachers’ efficiency and their abilities in working with children but also to the outstanding results that have been achieved by students at school competitions. School No. 195 has been affiliated to UNESCO since 1999 and in 2012 it received the title of “European School”. Our school projects and programmes involve both students and parents, along with teams of teachers working together.

Our school adapts its educational policies and standards to the European level by encouraging training and improvement through scholarships and international grants, experience exchanges and involvement in national and international projects and partnerships. Our school has a direct contact with all social categories in our district and this feature allows a fast and clear communication and the perfect opportunity of finding different social groups interested in the same domains and directions as our institution, in order to run an European project. Our school is operating a few cases of pupils at risk of social exclusion, and there is a small percentage of pupils with cultural differences, educational difficulties and special needs who have been integrated in the common activities in which our school was involved. We share the outcome of our students social and psychological needs (through demonstrative activities, methodological meetings, exhibitions, projects, portfolios, magazine articles, detailed descriptions, reports). Their interest for the European programmes is increased, therefore the usefulness and their efficiency are sustained through concrete arguments.

School No 195 became a Green School, starting 2018. The key people involved in this project, which is based on their own experience and on our institution character, will develop climate and recycling education activities for students and propose workshops. All the key people will organize extra-curricular activities and exchange their experience. Our institution will establish and keep relationship with the other partners about the relevant areas of the project. School No 195 developed, over the years, a partnership cooperation with WWF, Greenitiative and British Council. It has been involved in “Climate Action in Education” programme, coordinated by WWF and has taken part, since 2018, to the international project ”4/4 Project For Friends”, project initiated by The Embassy of the USA in Romania and the American Councils for International Education.” Inspired by the thoughts expressed by Martin Luther King Jr. : “The most urgent and insistent question of life is: what do you do for others?”, our students and teachers keep celebrating the values of volunteerism and friendship.