ROC true stories, written by students in all participant schools, about unusual places for extreme weather phenomena that occurred in participating countries; about impact of extreme weather on the world and on all participating countries; about how weather conditions affect life on the planet and in all participating countries; about farming/agriculture/famine/ clear water scarcity/ endangered animals/ disease/microbes/ migration of people and animals.
Catastrophic-Flood-PDF Ana-C-PDF Armandos-Hideaway-PDF Clara-C-PDF Devastating-Fire-in-Zamora-PDF FLOODS-IN-TOMELLOSO-PDF HEAT-WAVES-PDF Hurricane-Leslie-PDF Our-holidays-with-seaweed-PDF Droughts-in-Portugal-PDF Storm-Filomena-PDF The-Flood-that-changed-my-life-PDF THE-SUMMER-WHEN-EVERYTHING-CHANGED-PDF THE-UNTENABLE-SITUATION-IN-MURCIA-PDF Tragic-Events-PDF Vitoria-A-PDF Vitoria-A-PDFStudents in Romania imagined they were journalists and wrote articles based on true stories that have already happened. They did some research, they found true stories that had happened because of extreme weather phenomena: unusual places for extreme weather phenomena that occurred in their country; farming/agriculture/famine/ clear water scarcity/ endangered animals/ migration of people and animals.