May 2023 – Activities – Workshops


Campaigns& activities/ workshops:

1. ”Safe water is a human right” -participants mitigated for clean drinking water; against unsafe water and poor sanitation; they visited rural communities, people and areas where climate change is making water scarce. They asked organizations, politicians, private companies to get involved, to support disadvantaged/ disabled people/ poor communities to have access to safe clean water; communicating with stakeholders.

2.“No communities without water” Campaign- participants found financial resources, persuaded private companies to invest in achieving accessible clean water. Thus, people have time to dedicate to work, studies, other domestic duties. By this campaign, vulnerable people improved life conditions; participants cooperated with charities, created sustainable supplies of clean water.

3.“Use water efficiently!”- participants focused on waste-water recycling, capturing rainwater, more efficient irrigation techniques, reforestation;

they persuaded authorities, local communities, stakeholders to get involved and take action.

Portugal: – The SEA starts here–activity achieved by students and teachers from Agrupamento de Escolas Martinho Árias, Soure, Portugal The SEA starts here



Last May 9th, Agrupamento de Escolas Martinho Árias – Soure / Portugal celebrated Europe Day, eTwinning Day and being awarded the School eTwinning Label for 2023-24. For the occasion, a small exhibit showcased not only our current eTwinning projects but also our ERASMUS+ project, Rangers of Change:

Romania:  Our students from 7A celebrate Europe Day together.

Happy #Europe

Celebrating the European values of respect, friendship and solidarity,our students cooperate and break down barriers, building a more inclusive and peaceful Europe: 9 May- Europe Day at School No 195, Bucharest




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