Roc Blog06

Debated Climate change effects activities – Greek

December 2022- ROC Activities “Debated Climate change effects” – Greek   Greek students debated on climate change effects, how they could raise awareness about climate change in their family/ group of friends. Debaters competed on pro/con developments which made our lives easier, pleasant, but affected our planet in a negative way.

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Board game

ROC Scrabble board games

ROC Erasmus+ KA220 Project ROC Scrabble board games-30 students in each school worked to identify words related to climate change & extreme weather: they created games, including rules to play them and containing Game elements that can be useful to students when they play their games-group work. They had fun, playing these newly created games with their […]

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Globbal warming2

Climate change & extreme weather part2

ROC Erasmus+ KA220 Project Greek and Lithuanian students worked on Climate change & extreme weather.Nowadays, we are facing the biggest actions of climate change, we understand what is most polluting and destroying our environment. Climate change is determined not only by natural phenomena, but also by inappropriate human activities.Climate change is the result of many factors, […]

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Globbal warming

Climate change & extreme weather

ROC Erasmus+ KA220 Project November 2022: Students from each partner school worked in groups and created PPTs on climate change- causes and effects. The proposed activities were designed as skills-integrated activities: students were introduced to the topic of climate change. They shared what they found out with their families, friends, communities. Students informed others, promoting […]

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